Intensive Farming Leading to The Growth of Agronomics using IOT


  • Ritvik Pandey, Prof. Murugan K


-The growing population in Asian countries like India has called for rapid improvement in
food production technology. The Indian economy is mainly dependent on agriculture. When cultivating,
some important soil parameters such as pH, moisture, wetting and temperature class measurements are
measured to obtain high yields from the soil. The method used to measure those parameters fully
supports the chemical reaction on soil samples. The process is usually delivered close to the farm office.
Under the supervision of soil parameters with automatic irrigation systems these parameters are
measured on the farm so that the farmer does not have to go anywhere else. The system has a fully
automatic irrigation system that turns the pump on and off according to the moisture content in the soil.
A traditional approach to measuring these factors in an agricultural environment is that people take
measurements manually and examine them at different times. This report examines the remote
monitoring system for the Arduino uses the HC-05 / HC05 WIFI module. These nodes collect and send
data wirelessly to a centralized server, which collects, stores and analyses it and then displays it as
required, and also sends it to a mobile client. In addition, the climate monitoring system can be integrated
with this model to inform the farmer about current climate change so that the range of soil parameters for
a specific action on the soil can be maintained accordingly. We can also manage irrigation depending on
the season, winter, summer etc.




