Effect of Company Performance on Inflation During the Beginning of the COVID 19 Pandemic (Empirical Study of Transportation Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2019-2020 (Quarter I)


  • Nadillah Leica Sofianiswah*, Ega Fitriana, Reska Rahmawati Sudia, Elya Choerun Nisa, Ignatius Oki Dewa Brata


This study aims to empirically examine the effect of Company Performance on Inflation during
the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The independent variable in this study is Company
Performance which consists of Profitability (Return on Investment) as X1 and Liquidity (Current
Ratio) as X2. The dependent variable is Inflation as Y. This type of research takes all-time series
data including Company Performance and Inflation for the period 2019-2020 (Quarter I). The
number of research samples using saturated sampling techniques was obtained 32 samples. The
data analysis used was the t-test (partial) using SPSS 25. The results showed that simultaneously
the Return on Investment and Current ratio affected Inflation Tm it shows that the profitability
ratio variable (Return on Investment) has a significant effect on inflation, the Liquidity ratio
(Current Ratio) variable has no significant effect on inflation.




