Competence and Compensation in Determining Personal Performance of Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda


  • Ferly Mondong*, Titik Triwahyuni, Muhammad Rohman, Eggy Zaidan, Didi Tarmidi


The purpose of this study was to reveal how much influence the competence and
compensation of the Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda members in influencing the performance
of the Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda. Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda has personnel that are
not dominated by dancers who are already proficient and are not given appropriate
compensation, but have good performance results in the eyes of consumers. This research
method uses descriptive-verification method, which explains the results of the study and
analyzes the relationship between variables using the results of the research instrument with
a research questionnaire distributed to fifty personnel of Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda. If
the technique of data analysis is used using multiple regression techniques and is supported
by the results of data from the Classical Assumption Test with an estimated error rate of five
percent. The results of this study indicate that the personnel of the Sanggar Tari Wantun
Suganda have the competence and compensation provided by the organization in accordance
with the agreement, where the personnel of the Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda are also able
to show good performance results. The effect of competence on performance is 43.1% or
influences less closely and the effect of compensation on performance is 56.2% or influences
closely. However, both variables can affect performance by 80.4% or can influence closely
the performance of Sanggar Tari Wantun Suganda personnel.




