The Use of the Safe Mask Based on Price and Consumer Knowledge


  • Ayuningtyas Y. Hapsari*, Salma A Afifah, Wildan Rhusyana, Muhammad L Hakim, Wandi M Nugraha


This study aims to find out public knowledge in the use of masks and the decision to use
masks to use and the influence of price and knowledge of masks in using masks to use masks
to be used partially or simultaneously. This research uses a descriptive verification method
by distributing questionnaires to 115 residents of Bandung City evenly in five regions using
accuracy tests, the Hosmer and Lemeshow models' feasibility test, the Nagelkerke r square
test, and hypothesis testing. Based on the calculation results, it can be concluded that the
price has a significant effect on the decision to use a safety mask. Public knowledge has a
significant effect on the decision to use a safety mask, and price and public knowledge have a
simultaneous influence on using a mask to use.




