SWCC Based Study on Shear Strength of Unsaturated Loess in Longdong Area
Based on the Q3 loess in LongDong, this paper predicts the shear strength of unsaturated loess in LongDong by 4 kinds of commonly used soil water characteristic curves. In the results, the VG model is well fit the soil-water characteristic curve of Q3 intact loess, and the saturated volume water content of undisturbed loess in LongDong is 0.4581, the residual volume water content is 0.1303, the inlet value is about 10kPa; compared with the predicted value of shear strength and the measured value, 4 kinds of common soil water characteristic curves were found to have large error in predicting the shear strength of unsaturated loess in LongDong. Finally, the shear strength formula of Fredlund double stress variable unsaturated soil was used to better explore the strength characteristics of unsaturated undisturbed loess in LongDong, and the shear strength formula of LongDong unsaturated undisturbed loess was obtained by mathematical formulae.