Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Flow Field in Electrostatic Bag Filter Based on CFD
The air distribution of large series integrated electrostatic fabric precipitator is the factor affecting the dust removal efficiency. In this paper, the numerical simulation method is used to calculate the flow field in the electrostatic bag precipitator of 600 MW unit. In the simulation process, the interface of the bag is set as the porous medium step boundary condition, and the air flow inside the ESP is adjusted by changing the air distribution plate. According to the requirements of the whole flow field in the dust collector, the airflow velocity on the windward side of the filter bag and the flow distribution of the filter bag unit, the three setting schemes are compared. According to the test results, the scheme of setting porous air distribution plate in the middle of the electrostatic bag precipitator and setting wind shield along the width direction on both sides of the end ash hopper is determined. The experimental results are basically consistent with the numerical simulation results after the application of the scheme, and good airflow field distribution can be obtained.