Objective Necessity Of Financial Risk Management


  • Баймуратова Гулирайхон Турсинбаевна, Кундузова Кумрихон Ибрагимовнa i.f.n., docent Razzoqov Habibulloh Ravshan og’li,


Risk management is one of the most important issues in the effective organization of financial activities of enterprises and ensuring their financial stability. We all know that the current global financial and economic crisis is having a serious impact on the economies of many countries, especially in the real and financial sectors. Of course, as a result, we can see a sharp increase in the risk of financial performance of enterprises, and even their bankruptcy. In this context, the state plays an important role in regulating the economic and financial activities of enterprises, providing them with various benefits and additional financial resources, reducing the risks that may occur in enterprises. The article describes the basis of internationally standardized and unique concept of risk management, as well as recommendations for their application in Uzbekistan in particular, in the field of small business and private entrepreneurship.




