Implementation of E-Filing Information System as a Public Policy Form in Increasing Taxpayer Compliance


  • Dyah Purnamasari, Rusdin Tahir, Yoyo Sudaryo


Taxation has become the main source of state revenue to implement National Development as an ongoing and continuous activity, to improve people's welfare both materially and spiritually. This research objective reveals the e-filing Information System Implementation Strategy in optimizing Taxpayer Compliance. The research method using a model obtained from the phenomena in the field formed is based on partial theories between models, so that from some of the supporting theories a model is obtained. The approach used is hermeneutical phenomenology. Research subjects of tax and taxpayers, objects of research strategies for implementing e-filing information systems, and taxpayer compliance. This research was conducted in the Office of the Directorate General of Taxes in West Java from 2016-2018. The results of this study provide a conclusion: The strategy for implementing e-filing information systems has been quite good and supportive and is still relevant to the results of previous studies. However, the strategy for implementing the e-filing information system has not been able to improve the compliance of corporate and private taxpayers to the full; Taxpayer Compliance conditions in fulfilling their obligations are considered low; the strategy of implementing the e-filing information system plays a role in optimizing taxpayer compliance, on the one hand, taxpayer compliance decreases, but not as a result of unsuccessful e-filing information systems, Taxpayer compliance plays a role in maximizing state tax revenues




