Business Ethics in Japanese Companies (A Study of the Differences in Work Ethics in Japanese and Indonesian Companies)


  • Uning Kuraesin


Japan is one of the countries in Asia that has been known as a country that is very disciplined in various ways. This discipline is seen both in its own environment and in the company so that it greatly influences the high level of work productivity for the company. With high morale and discipline, it has caused an impact of technological progress and mastery, as well as affecting Japan's economic growth, and has even been able to bring the Japanese state on par with European and American countries. This is strongly influenced by Japanese culture, which is the spirit and unyielding characteristic of the Japanese people, as a reflection of the spirit of 'Bushido'. While the work ethic of the Indonesian people is still weak and uneven in having a high work ethic, it is necessary to strengthen knowledge and skills to make Indonesian people more qualified. While the work ethic of the Indonesian people is still weak and uneven in having a high work ethic, it is necessary to strengthen knowledge and skills to make Indonesian people more qualified.




