Information Hiding Based on Retina Random Number Keys
As digital technologies grow more rapidly, information security threats are becoming increasingly dangerous. Advanced and various cyber-attacks and security threats, like targeted emails, information exploitation, etc. pose a critical threat that basically undermines the trust in the digital society. So that, this paper presents a secure system that is designed and built based on a technique that exploited the significant features of human retina images and arithmetic sequence for generating keys at high-quality of specifications in randomization, unpredictability, and non-regeneration terms. These keys are used in encryption and hiding processes. The proposed system involves two sides which are transmitter and receiver sides. The transmitter side includes three stages which are key constructing, encrypting secret plaintext messages by using xor operation, and hiding the encrypted messages using the least significant bit (LSB). The receiver side also includes three stages which are key constructing, extracting the encrypted messages using the LSB method, and decryption using xor operation. The experiments demonstrate that the retina keys are passed most the tests of NIST with high rates of success. The average security test of the encrypted message possesses a high value relatively, so, the encrypted message is secure against entropy attack. The PSNR values for stego-image with embedding 10 and 100 characters are 92.42 dB, and 85.71 dB respectively.