Homogeneous Bianchi Type String VI0 Cosmological Model for Anti-Stiff Perfect Fluid Distribution in General Relativity
The field of structure formation and the large-scale physical state of the universe has been a research topic for many years for the cosmologists. In this paper we have investigated homogeneous Bianchi type VI0 string cosmological model for anti-stiff perfect fluid distribution in general relativity. To obtain the deterministic solution of Einstein’s field equations, we assume the condition A=?Bn. In this model we derived the Deceleration Parameter value for accelerating universe which is in the range of observed value of Deceleration Parameter i.e. -1?q?0. Also some physical and geometrical features of the model are discussed.
Keywords – Bianchi VI0 Space Time, Cosmic String, Anti-stiff Perfect fluid, General Relativity.