Values Shifting in Inheritance Distribution of Batak Toba Tribe in Pontianak City, Indonesia


  • Sigit Irianto, Ounike Permatasari Sinaga


The inheritance system that applies in Indonesia is based on three lineages, which are patrilineal, matrilineal and parental. The values shifting in inheritance occurs due to various factors and mainly concerns customary people overseas. The Batak Toba customary people in Pontianak city still hold their traditional cultural values, especially those concerning religious rituals and customs in social life. But in the field of inheritance, values are shifted especially towards the parental system. Customary law that is not static, but dynamic, influences the existing inheritance system, because customary people cannot be separated from the influences of other cultures, and always keeps abreast of developments and changes of the times. Changes and shifts of customary inheritance law values cause customary inheritance laws are not rigid but flexible and experience many changes in procedures and distribution in accordance with the times and the influence of inheritance values that apply to other customary peoples.




