Technology Implementation in Generation X, Y, and Z Against Performance 4.0


  • Seiysha Amaliya, Aprilia Dwui Anggraini, Fuad Faris Azhar, Muhammad Fikri Pujiansyah, Rd. Herman Sofyandi


The world is growing, as well as generations, one of which can be indicated by the development of technology made by humans. In the world of work, the development of technology affects performance, work patterns and thinking patterns, so each generation must adapt to technological advances. The main purpose of this research is to identify the readiness of generation x, y, and z when facing 4.0 which will later function as information related to ideal human resources for industry 4.0. The method used in this research is descriptive verification method with a quantitative approach. Judging by numbers, and also can be seen from the factor of age, and gender. The data was taken based on the results of questionnaires with the number of respondents as many as 181.Then the technique used to process and analyze data is the SPSS 21 software. When viewed from its characteristics, generation z said to be ready to face industry 4.0.




