Implementation of Special Event Strategy Supporting Brand Awareness of Miniso Beauty Product
The name Miniso is already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the fact that Miniso released a beauty product is still unknown to the public. This is proven by searching Miniso Make-Up Indonesia using Google on November 21st, 2018, which only reached 219,000 results. This is due to the lack of publications made by Miniso to create brand awareness for Miniso make up product. Analysis of the implementation of the exclusive event strategy to support Miniso's brand awareness product line was carried out to evaluate the results of the “Beauty Talk” event conducted by Miniso. The researcher uses the interview methodology and secondary data to analyze. The reference in this study uses the stages of Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations by Ronald D. Smith. The interview showed a difference of opinion between the management of Miniso and the beauty influencers, especially in terms of event publications. From these results, Miniso can use the steps of Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations as a reference in arranging an event and utilizing technological developments and digitalization to maximize publication to get maximum publicity
Keywords: Miniso make up Indonesia, brand awareness, Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations, beauty influencer, publication, and publicity.