Financial Performance Analysis to provide Integrated Services at the One Stop Services Capital Investment Agency in Klungkung Regency


  • I Wayan Kandi Wijaya, I Kadek Eri Sanjaya, Anak Agung Gede Rai


Regional Government as a State institution, has the function and obligation to provide services to the community, in accordance with what is mandated by Law Number 25 of 2000. The provision of services as outlined in  programs, with budget support, is one of the bases in measuring Regional Financial Performance. Klungkung Regency  in 2019, budgeted funds to provide services to the community of IDR. 1.981 billion. Research objectives: To determine the financial performance in supporting one-stop integrated services. Data processing using qualitative descriptions. The results showed, the amount of budget realization to provide permit management services is IDR. 1.852 billion. Capital investment that could be realized was IDR. 211.55 billion. Realization of the budget was achieved 93.49% lower 6.51%. Meanwhile, the capital investment value increased by  10.22% from the previous year's investment. Rekomendation: motivating potential  investors to marine appeal.




