An overview of Structure and Activities of Microbial Communities


  • Satya Nath Doley


: As we all know that, Environmental microbiology is the study of microbial processes in the environment, microbial communities and microbial interactions. This includes: Structure and activities of microbial communities, Microbial interactions and interactions with macroorganisms, Population biology of microorganisms, Microbes and surfaces (adhesion and biofilm formation),Microbial community genetics and evolutionary processes,(Global) element cycles and biogeochemical processes, Microbial life in extreme and unusual little-explored environments.

Microbial communities are the most numerous organisms in any ecosystem, and they control the annual primary production including the recycling of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and iron. In a lake ecosystem for instance, photic zone, water column, and sediment harbor functionally different microbial communities. Here in this paper we will study the structure and activities of microbial communities in details

Keywords:  Microbial Community, Microbial Diversity, Microbial Species, Stable Isotope,

 Probe Label Nucleic Acid 




