Based on BOX2D engine, early childhood science software development and application


  • YuBao Shen, Wei Jiang


Autonomous inquiry learning is the main way for young children to gain experience, develop
thinking and improve their ability, and stimulating children's interest in inquiry is the prerequisite for
cultivating children's independent inquiry and learning. The first step in developing interest is to develop a
young child's interest in the game, box2D is an open source physics engine for simulating 2D rigid body
objects, which can be used to simulate the motion and collision of 2D rigid body objects, developed by Erin
Catto as early as 2007 in the language of C. Box2D integrates a large number of physical forces and motion
calculations, and encapsulates the physical simulation process into objects, providing the operator with a
simple and friendly interface to the object's operation, simply calling the corresponding object or method in
the engine to simulate real-life acceleration, deceleration, parabolic motion, gravity, collision bounce, and
many other real-world physical motion. In the game young children enjoy success, experience setbacks from
which to gain social experience and ability, and game activities gradually learn to get along with people,
friendly and coordinated interpersonal relationships.




