Performance Analysis of Analog and Digital data of Weather Satellites
-Information related to earth like land mapping, sea mapping and report of weather
conditions, cloud information and the hot spots of an area can be done by a remote sensing satellite, that
is NOAA. Downlink frequency of NOAA series satellites and Meteor M2 is in the range of 137-138
MHz[1]. This paper uses a double cross dipole antenna and a simple V dipole antenna for receiving the
signal from the satellite and this is designed to operate in the given range of frequency. An SDR is used
to process the received data. Sample rate conversion and noise filtering of this signal is done with the
help of Audacity, an audio processing software. Demodulation and image processing is done with the
help of software’s like WXtoImg, LRPTRx and LRPTofflineDecoder. To conclude, comparison
ofanalog and digital reception schemes is documented.