Realization of Digital Content Model Based on Web 3.0 to Enhance Digital Literacy


  • Feri Sulianta*, Andry Nugrohopangestu, Ahmad Ghifari, Deni Rohimat, Hanif Ibrahim


Social Science learning must be able to capture the changing times and technology so as to produce students who are expected to have competencies that can be relied on as citizens. Low literacy skills are the reason for the importance of literacy education in the Industrial 4.0 era, which is marked by the development of communication technology, computers and the internet. Digital literacy learning in Social Sciences is aimed at improving the digital literacy competencies of students, the digital society and digital literacy learning. In this study, this research was conducted using a digital media content model based on social science which was built using web media ver 3.0. The digital content mechanism consists of six main components, namely: (1) media components in using digital literacy media, (2). the writing component, as a directed step in writing digital content, (3). knowledge as a reference for content that is knowledgeable and provides tangible benefits, (4). social studies education, as a content theme that contributes to namely as citizens of themselves, the environment, society and also the country, (5). Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as a component that identifies the digital content model distributed on user generated content platforms, (6). digital copyright, a form of copyright in a digital scheme so that the existence of this content can create awareness of intellectual property rights aimed at educating students and the digital community. Digital literacy of learning using a digital media content model based on social science on the User Generated Content Platform can contribute to improve the digital literacy competencies of students and the digital society.




