Motivational Practices of Employees in Paper Industry with Special Reference to TNPL


  • Mrs.B.Kavitha, Dr.N.K.Shanmugam


Motivation is a significant component of any well performing system. Motivation is designed to attract employees to act in the best interest of the firm or industry. Some employees are having no effort in their jobs even they try to motivate and they are interested to avoid the workplace, and they produce work with low quality. therefore, motivation of employee has always been a essential problem for business owners and managers in the paper industry. So, researcher has aimed to examine the motivational practices of employees in paper industry especially in TNPL paper manufacturing company. For the idea, the researcher has selected the 75 employees by using purposive sampling method. The researcher has collected their required data about the practices provided by paper manufacturing industry through a well-structured questionnaire that has used to collect socio-economic data and motivational practices of paper manufacturing employees with using Likert’s 5 point scaling technique. The statistical tools such as simple percentage analysis, Mean score, Standard deviation(SD), Analysis of variance and Correlation were engaged to analyse the collected sample data from the sampled respondents. It is found from the results that whenever the age, monthly salary and number of training programs attended increases their motivational practices of employees also positively raised.

Keywords- TNPL, Motivation, Recognition, Rewards and Promotion etc.,




