IoT Based Smart Irrigation System By Weather Pridiction And Automated Rain Water Draining


  • Prasad Kadimi, Monica P Suresh


all of us depend of agriculture for our food and urban –industrial societies depend mainly on the supply of food surplus produced by farmers. Without agriculture there would be no cities, universities, factories, or offices. In spite of the perception people may have regarding agriculture and farming, the reality is that modern agriculture industry is data-centered, precise, and needs to be smarter than ever before. The rapid emergence of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) based technologies have redesigned almost every industry including ?farming and agriculture industry which have moved from traditional statistical approach to quantitative approach. Such revolutionary changes are shaking the existing agriculture and farming methods and creating new opportunities along with a range of challenges. Agriculture requires proper irrigation system and requires continuous weather monitoring. In case of heavy rainfall and flooding there has to be some system to drain the excess water from crop fields. Failure of adequate rainfall, especially in areas where farmers depend on seasonal rainfall for agriculture, can result in heavy losses for the farmer. So in case the rainfall can be predicted and if the farmer knows in advance details of failure in expected levels of rainfall he can change the crop accordingly and sow crops that do not need ample of water. This paper proposes IoT based smart irrigation system, where weather forecasts are carefully followed and based on the forecast and the current weather condition, a water draining system is turned on. The system also can forecast the amount of rainfall expected over the next two or three months and suggest to the farmer a suitable crop based on the level of rainfall.  The system is controlled by a controller Raspberry pi. In addition to the weather reports obtained from the internet, sensors placed in appropriate positions in the field, feed information about the temperature, water level in the field, atmospheric moisture, etc. and feeds it to the controller, which in turn sends these information to the farmer’s mobile phone. Reminders about fertilizers that need to be sprinkled can also be sent as message to the farmer’s phone also, through internet. This setup helps farmer to get notified about crop suggestions, irrigation and weather updates, including heavy rain falls and draining update with water level.




