Measuring the Female Work Productivity in the Telecoms Sector in Algeria: Case of a State Company


  • Lamia NEDIL, Dr Messaoud ZEROUT


In order to allow an increase in the work productivity in general, Human Resources Management
occupies an important place today of which it contributes to the development of these resources, using welldeveloped tools, and this to allow organizations to achieve their goals and to have a better performance at
The purpose of this paper and to focus on the relationship between performance from the point of view of
training, development of female skills and the work female productivity observed in the Telecom sector in
To do this, a survey was conducted with a random sample of female employees working in commercial
agencies at the front office of a state telecommunications company in Algeria.
The results of this survey showed that the training is very important to improve the knowledge of female
workers employees, but also the convenience of the right choice of these training courses allow not only the
development of the skills of female staff but also, the increase in the work female productivity within this
company. In order to answer the questions and the hypotheses posed, we interviewed a random sample of
these female employees, by offering them a questionnaire comprising a set of multiple choice questions to
better understand our results. Statistical tests were carried out in order to analyze the results obtained to
explain the relationship between the work female productivity and the factors generating this productivity.




