Public Service Standards in Public Service Malls of Central Sulawesi Province


  • Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan1, Abu Thaija2, Risma Niswaty


As service providers, the government is required to be able to provide quality services in order to get a positive response from the community as service recipients. One of the challenges faced by the government is how to carry out activities effectively and efficiently. A number of pathologies are still tremendous obstacles to realizing a service that satisfies society. The government continues to be committed to improving public services. One of them is by making a breakthrough in building public service malls that are spread across several places in Indonesia.  This study aims to determine the application of public service standards at the Integrated Public Service Mall, Central Sulawesi Province. The results showed that the aspects of service procedures, completion time, service costs, facilities and infrastructure, service products, and competence of service providers have been running according to service standards

Keywords- Service Standards, Public Service Mall




