Financial Supervision And Management System Using Ml Algorithm


  • Atishay Jain, Yash Sharma, Dr. Kaushal Kishor


In this paper, we aim to put forward highly beneficial features in banking and money tracking web-based application. We make use of machine learning algorithms mathematical tools available for Python which is our programming language of choice. As per the ML part of our paper, we have used Random Forest Algorithm as a base on which we have built a proposed algorithm which will predict the user’s financial portfolio. For the prediction to take place we are taking the help of tools like RNN, LSTM, and MLP. We are aiming to also include a few modern technologies in order to make the financial supervision system, a more usable and interactive experience i.e., by including features like Virtual assistant and a chatbot using technologies like NLTK. This paper shows a proposed algorithm which can be taken into consideration when designing algorithms for banking and financial needs.




