Women's Movement Participation in Politics of Indonesia
Women's participation in politics has not only just happened but has gone through a long history with the birth of RA. Kartini and Megawati as President of the Republic of Indonesia. The reform era has changed the discourse at least. The role of women is becoming increasingly channeled, but women with high integrity are more likely to choose to join non-governmental NGOs. Women tend to be skeptical about joining existing political parties, because these parties pay less attention to women's aspirations. The law guarantees women's representation rights to work in various public positions. For example, article 46 of Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights states that the general election system, party, election of members of the legislative body and the appointment system in the executive and judiciary must ensure the representation of women according to the specified requirements. Likewise, article 49 paragraph 1 of the Law states that women have the right to choose, be elected, be appointed in jobs, positions and professions in accordance with the requirements and statutory regulations. But the steps of the women's movement in politics are still constrained by the strong patriarchal culture, strong stereotypes, economic factors and the lack of political parties that have female cadres. Being an obstacle for women in the political movement.