Study Related To Modelling Of Multi-Area Load Frequency Control in an Electrical Power Systems


  • Piyush Kumar Yadav, Saurabh V. Kumar, Dr. Rajnish Bhasker, Satyam Kumar Upadhyay, Vinod Kumar Yadav


This paper deals with the real operations of actual power system operations where step  change in load as well as random change in load take place take place. The  generation side having limited ability to changing load  due to practical aspect, this will create unbalance between the real as well as determined generation volume  of electrical power system. Due to this there is a  frequency variation, which cause the unbalance between the real frequency as well as the frequency at synchronism , this will affectmain operation related toexpensive equipments like power electronics devices by producing unwanted harmonics. We have to use different types of harmonics elimination method to reduces the harmonics.




