Ability to Treat Genetalian Organs of Mentally Disabled Students


  • SeptiyaniEndangYunitasari, AchmadHufad, CeceRachmat, TjutjuSoendari, Dini Handayani , Muhammad Iqbal Fasa


This study aims to determine how the ability of mentally disabled children in caring for genital organs. This study uses a case study. This research was conducted at a Special School in Bandung District with the subject of the research being developmentally disabled students and parents who have mildly retarded children. The results of this study know the principles teaches the skills to care for genital organs in mental retardation, namely paying attention to the following three principles. First, practicing the skills of caring for genital organs in mildly retarded children should be someone who has a biologist (biological mother) closeness. Caring for genitalia requires physical skills and cognitive understanding of the meaning of health, safety, and comfort, with class teachers, structure, and competence.

Keywords:mental retardation, genitalia, assistance, care




