Early Childhood Parenting Behavior in the Revolutionary Era 4.0


  • Tri Joko Raharjo, Abdul Malik, Harianingsih, Citra Dewi Kristanti, Nadia Nurisa Izzati


This research was conducted to find out how the influence of the role of parenting on children in the 4.0 revolution era. The variable consist of parenting style and parental behavior. Indicators of parenting syle are authoritarian, democratic, permissive, and neglect. Indicators of parental behavior include imitation, suggestion, identification and sympathy. The analysis was performed using the SEM method with 100 respondens from early childhood teachers and parents. The results obtained are that authoritarian parenting has the greatest value (t-value = 5.40) compared to democratic (3.44), permissive (5.29), and neglect (3.63) parenting styles. The effect of imitation in parental behavior also has the greatest effect (t-value = 5.50) on child development compared to suggestion (3.67), identification (4.29), and sympathy (3.82). From pthways models, the value of all constructs used to form a model in the confirmatory factor analysis process has met the predetermined goodness of fit criteria. These results explain that the confirmatory testing model has a good goodness of fit, so the model deserves to be accepted.

Keywords- childhood, parenting style, parental behavior, the role of parenting




