Stratigraphic and Structural Seismic Interpretation of Yammama Formation in East Abu-Amoud Field- Missan Province, Southeastern Iraq


  • Hussein H. Karim, Mohammed H.Al-Aaraji


The seismic data of East Abu-Amoud field which is located in Maissan Governorate- southeastern Iraq, were studied and interpreted to update the structural image of the main Yammamaoil Formation in the field.The Yammama Formation is rich in hydrocarbons in this region, with an area covering about 820 km. This study was accomplished using the software, Petrel-2017. The reflector has been calibrated and defined on the seismic section with well-logs data (check shot, well tops, density logs and sonic logs) in the process of interpretations to determine the upper and lower boundaries of Yammama Formation, and then draw time and depth structural maps that help in understanding the lateral and vertical changesand to show the configuration of stratigraphic surfaces, and isopach maps to show the areal variation in the thickness of a stratigraphic unit. The seismic interpretation of the area approves the presence of some stratigraphic features in the studied formation. The study found that Yammama thickness increases toward east, this means it increases from the Abu-Amoud field in Nasiriyah towards the East Abu-Amoud field in Missan. The stratified traps were identified using seismic attribute (relative acoustic impedance) in the East Abu-Amoud field.

 Keywords: Stratigraphic-StructuralSeismic Interpretation, Abu-Amoud Field, Yammama Formation, Seismic Attribute




