An Intelligent Fuzzy Scoring System for English Online Examination Based on Asp Technology


  • Guojian Zhang


In the design of English online examination platform, the search of digital resources and the application of fuzzy automatic scoring technology are very important. Due to the narrow source of digital teaching resources, the traditional online English examination platform can not match it accurately. The test results can not guide students to learn English better through resource matching. Web mining technology makes personalized teaching possible. This paper uses web mining technology to track and collect a large amount of data left by learners in the modern English grammar online examination platform. According to the online examination platform automatic scoring system based on ASP, through the analysis of learners' learning habits, learning progress, learning effect and other aspects, a reasonable personalized learning platform is customized for them. The experimental results show that the platform can improve the personalized online teaching and scoring service system, optimize teaching resources, and build a personalized online English examination platform.




