Utilisation of Brick Waste as Aggregate in Lightweight Concrete
Lightweight concrete (LWC) is a technology in the construction industry, and has become popular in the past few
decades due to its benefits. There are a lot of construction wastes generated in Malaysia due to the rapid
development in the construction industry. Brick is one of the construction wastes in Malaysia. Hence, this research
was focused on 28-day compressive strength of lightweight concrete with crushed clay brick’s waste as a
replacement to coarse aggregate. The density test, water absorption test, and slump test values were also
determined. The raw materials used in this research were Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as binder, sand as fine
aggregates and crushed clay brick’s waste (CCBW) as coarse aggregate, and a total of 48 concrete cubes we
reproduced with ratio of 0%, 10%, 20% 30% 40%, and 50% of CCBW. In this study, the CCBW had higher water
absorption characteristic. Workability and compressive strength values increased when the percentage of CCBW
was applied in LWC mix. The slump value was above 200mm height of slump, and the compressive strength also
achieved minimum requirement of 28-day compressive strength of 17MPa. The findings from this study will
hopefully reduce construction wastes in Malaysia, and produce sustainable LWC