Improvement of Bitumen Coating Performance with Waterborne Polyurethane Additives against Corrosion
In Malaysia, commercial buildings are required to have fire protection system. This is a regulation from the Fire and
Rescue Department of Malaysia to make sure buildings are safe. Fire sprinkler system is a part of fire protection
system by using underground pipe to transport water. According to the standard of Fire and Rescue Department of
Malaysia, the installation of pipe uses galvanized steel, and must be coated with bitumen to avoid corrosion.
Bitumen coatings have been used to protect steel and other structural materials from corrosion. Bitumen coating still
causes corrosion, as what has happened in UTHM Pagoh. Therefore, modified bitumen coating is required.
Waterborne Polyurethane (WBPU) is a remarkable material that can be formulated into coatings and adhesives for
various applications. Bitumen coating performance is proven to improve with waterborne polyurethane as the new
coating for protection of underground pipeline against corrosion. Past studies on polyurethane composites have
proven the enhancement in bitumen properties by mixing waterborne polyurethane with bitumen coating. Therefore,
waterborne polyurethane doped with bitumen coating was proposed as modified bitumen coating to enhance coating
performance. Waterborne polyurethane is used as part of the low cost and eco-friendly additive materials of
modified bitumen coating. The main objectives of this study include to determine the characteristics of bitumen
coating of underground pipe, improve bitumen coating by using waterborne polyurethane, and compare the
characteristics of modified bitumen coating with existing bitumen coating. Sample with 80% of WBPUs has the
optimum performance and better proportional ratio for modified bitumen coating. The characteristics of bitumen
obtained from the testing are 29.67 mm, 77? and 12.5%, respectively, proving the improvement in bitumen coating
by adding waterborne polyurethane into bitumen coating